Friday, June 15, 2007

Online Mall for Health and Beauty

Hello ! Welcome to my Blog, eBio28 !

eBio28 is an Online Mall for all the Health and Beauty Merchants to promote their quality products and services online. They may make full use of this blog for free to share their experiences and knowledge in health and beauty, and may publish their promotion from time to time for the benefits of the visitors of this blog. If you are interested to participate, you may eMail your photos of your shop, products and services (4 copies) and a write-up of your particulars and your promotion to me at If what you submit to me is relevant and OK, it will be published in my blog.

Periodically, I will also publish some health and beauty tips which would be useful for all of us to create a healthier and more beautiful world !

eBio28 Blog will also act as a platform for the Health and Beauty Merchants, Customers and Suppliers to meet and be beneficial to each other in a win-win-win situation !

All the best !

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