Friday, August 17, 2007

Cryptomonadales the King of Algae

Exsulin Crypto contains 100% NATURAL CRYPTOMONADALES.
Cryptomonadales is the immortal descendant of the first photosynthesis lifeform that has been in existence for more than 3.5 billion years. It has the highest nourishment value among the algae food.
Cryptomonadales is an oval shaped single cell organism, similar to the human red blood cell. It is a member of the fresh water algae. The average size is 2-8 micron. Cryptomonadales requires solar energy to carry out photosynthesis, meaning that it requires only air, water and sun. The reproduction of Cryptomonadales is a-sexual, in every generation one cell can split into four within 24 hours. The contents of Cryptomonadales contains 60% Protein, 14% Carbohydrate and 8% Fat (GLA). It also contains a wide variety of organic vitamins and materials.
Cryptomonadales also contains DNA, RNA and Choline. If you look into the chart above (you may click on the picture to enlarge it), Cryptomonadales contains a complete spectrum of nutrient to sustain cell life. Gram for gram Cryptomonadales is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods. Cryptomonadales has a very high Vitamin B12, concentration and a vegetarian taking Cryptomonadales will not have to worry about not getting enough B12 in their diet. Furthermore, beside having a high concentration of protein, Cryptomonadales has all the essential amino acids that are Tryptophan, Lysine, Valine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Threonine, Phenylalanine and Methionine. Added to all these Cryptomonadales carry much higher chlorophyll per cell than any known plant that assist in the production of new blood cells. Cryptomonadales also contains C.G.F. (Cell Growth Factor) and Phycocyanin. Hence, Cryptomonadales is a superior food with all the nutrients to support a healthy life.
You may eMail to Pamela at if you need any further info. or the products.
Good luck !

Friday, August 10, 2007

Jinglida So Young Formula

Be the Happiest Man !

Jinglida - So Young Formula (SYF) is derived from natural herbal ingredients of the highest quality.It has undergone many years of professional studies, product development and testing, boasting patented technology for the extraction of 4 herbal essences. SYF is suitable for both men and women.

10 main outstanding effects :-

1. Improves prostate problems
2. Improves urination system
3. Promotes blood circulation
4. Delays aging process
5. Regulates human immune system
6. Reduces fatigue
7. Anti-tumor and anti-cancer
8. Improves acidic physique condition
9. Protects the liver and kidney
10. Improves sleeping problem
You may click on the pictures to enlarge it.

For more info., you may contact Joe Lim :-

Handphone No. : 60124015073 or 60124255073
eMail Address :

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ding Chiropractic Centre

Alternative Treatment !

No drug, no surgery, safe and effective way to remove pain for those of you having the following sickness such as headache, neck pain, frozen shoulder, elbow and waist pain, slip disc, lower back pain, sciatica, knee, foot and ankle pain by using Chiropractic, Cranial and Vertebrae mobilisation therapy, Chinese Orthopaedic Massage, Accupuncture and Cupping.
Fee per Treatment is RM50 only !
You may contact :-
Mr. Ding at H/Phone No. 6019-4521096 at Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia.
Health Tips :-
Cryptomonadales (also known as King of Algae) can adjust the physiologies and regular the constitution. Acidic constitution is the origin of chronic diseases. The aberrant constitution (acidic) often causes varied diseases, such as fatigue, lusterless skin and sebum accumulation, etc. Those people lost the resistance against diseases. The best constitution for human is weak alkaline. The pH scale is between 7.35 and 7.45. When the value is aberrant, that means the constitution is aberrant- acidic.